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600-ohm to 600-ohm line transformer



I saw this type of transformer, but I could not find it anywhere,
nobody now what is it ?

What type of transformer is it ? How many spire do they have, which
voltage ???

Any information will be appreciate.


[email protected]

Jonathan Kirwan

I saw this type of transformer, but I could not find it anywhere,
nobody now what is it ?

These are usually used with telephone lines.

As has been pointed out, they are 1:1 transformers used for isolation.

There's nothing magic about "600 ohm to 600 ohm".

Get two identical audio transformers. Connect both secondary windings,
or both primary windings, together. The two remainding windings, one
one each transformer, are your new in/out windings.


dmb... posted, in part:
<< As has been pointed out, they are 1:1 transformers used for isolation. >>

Where was that posted by the OP? Line transformers often have functions beyond

Michael Black Jan 31, 6:19 pm show options

Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics
From: [email protected] (Michael Black) - Find messages by this
Date: 1 Feb 2005 02:19:21 GMT
Local: Mon, Jan 31 2005 6:19 pm
Subject: Re: 600-ohm to 600-ohm line transformer
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I need a 600-ohm to 600-ohm line transformer for an audio ­device, thay
also caled them Audio transformer...
What are those type of transformer ?

how many spire (turn), what's are the voltage, where could­ I find them

Any information about it will be appreciate.

You asked this already, don't expect email when posting to a­

They are audio transformers, for applications where isolatio­n is
but not voltage step up or step down is needed.