Maker Pro
Maker Pro

6 linked leds with 6 SPMom switches control

Having difficulty even thinking of a way to do this, years out of electronics as a hobby.
Looking to control 6 LEDS such that a single press on a single pole momentary switch will simultaneously extinguish any lit LED and light the LED above the switch.

Think a row of six LEDS with six switches underneath. Press button 3 and LED3 lights, any other lit LED extinguishes.

Any help appreciated, prefer discrete, however logic is OK -- definitely no microcontrollers, can do it that way but looking for simplicity.
Thanks in advance


## Thinking about it it could be similar to a six input av switch with push buttons selecting the source -- effectively driving the led rather than passing a signal -- any takers -- I'm googling away
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Is this for some application like a "quiz button" or similar to indicate who hit the button first?

Or do you want it to indicate the last button pressed? (It seems like the latter)

Here is something I whipped up. It would probably work.

It would start up with LEDs lit randomly. If you press the button for any LED not lit, the 2 gates IC1a and IC1b which form a bistable will change state, turning on the LED. Simultaneously a pulse will reset all other bistables.

Oops, I should press the submit button I guess (having written this several hours ago :) )


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