Maker Pro
Maker Pro

46" RCA Projo dead!!



Two CRT's have leaked slightly, what's the best
way to "seal" for the leak? Regular household RTV
silicone? Pinhole in one 2nd anode at the CRT, I
have anodes, what type of high voltage sealant is
recommended? Thanks, Rono.

Leonard Caillouet

We use a very thin layer of pure silicone RTV sealer to seal the coolant
chamber. For the anode lead you can use the same, but several maufacturers
have anode lead sealers. We still have a few tubes of sealer that one
manufacturer used to provide with CRTs but it does not have a number or
label on the tube. Maybe someone here remembers the part number for one of
the manufacturers. The main thing is to make sure that the crt and the lead
and boot are clean and dry before assembly.

Good luck with the circuit boards if it got to them.

Yes, it absolutely needs to be 100% clean and grease free before
applying the silicone.
Yes, the silicone needs to be 100% cured before applying power.
Usually 2 to 3 days will do it, but be on the safe side.

I think MCM Electronics still sells the smaller Philips HV rated
silicone tubes.