Maker Pro
Maker Pro

4060 timer

Having an issue with a 4060 timer circuit I'm breadboard-ing. When I apply power the timing starts, and the red led indicates that the oscillator is running as it should because it blinks 'on' and 'off' slowly or quickly according to how the variable resistor is positioned. So I know the chip is good and the circuit is running. However, when I calculate the time it will take for the greed LED to turn on, it never does. I've readjusted the pot over and over after resetting the circuit by disconnecting power. Every time it doesn't light.

Can anybody shed some light on why this might be?

I'd like to get the circuit working. It seems like it should be working.

Thanks in advance!

(Using timer #1)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Note that you have to connect the "range" input to one of the 4060's other pins. Have you done that?

Does the LED shown in yellow on that diagram switch on and off every 30 to 90 seconds?

If you connect pin 7 to the range input, does the LED shown in Green stop flashing when the LED shown in yellow turns on?
I have connected 'range' to an input pin.

The yellow LED doesn't switch on at all.....

The green LED just blinks according to VR resistance. Faster blinking=less resistance and vice versa


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The things you connect the "range" to are actually output pins :)

If the yellow LED never comes on then the counter isn't counting and that will prevent anything else from happening :(

I presume the connections to pin 8 and 16 are present.

Take the end of the 4k7 resistor connected to pin 7 and connect it to V+ to ensure that the LED illuminates -- you may have it around the wrong way. Reconnect it to Pin 7.

Then check that pin 12 is at ground potential and that pressing the reset switch stops the green LED.

Try connecting the "range" input to V+. The green led should stop flashing and the relay should pull in.
Sorry- my bad, I meant output pin.

I've checked the LED, it works. Polarity is correct.

Power is on because the OSC is working.

I'll recheck the reset switch and make sure that the green LED stops.

I'll also connect range to V+.....I'll report back,

thank you for your help
Ok so pin 12 is at ground potential and when I activate the 'reset' switch the green LED goes out.

I connected 'range' to V+; the green led stopped blinking and stayed on and the relay energized.

I figure the solution has to be something simple since everything seems to be in order.

Your thoughts?
Rebuilt the circuit, now it works. Thanks for the help. I don't know what I did wrong.....must have been something stupid. :p