Maker Pro
Maker Pro

4 wires touch screen

Hello, I'm currently trying to use a touchscreen that has 4 wires but 8 pins. I have a connector with 8 outputs, but I read some topics about touchscreens and everybody uses just 4 of them. So, right now, I'm using just 4 pins (It works with some noises) and my question is: If I use the 8 pins it will be better? If yes, how to connect them?

Here is the touchscreen model:

I'm putting the screen configuration and the code as attachments too.


  • f1.JPG
    17.2 KB · Views: 81
  • tela.ino
    638 bytes · Views: 136
The pins appear to be connected in pairs so there appears no discernible reason why connecting them will make any difference electrically speaking.

Maybe your code c(sh)ould include a form of 'contact bounce' delay to reduce or stop the 'noise' (which I'm presuming is a fluctuation in the reported position of touch?)
Thank you for your help. Could you explain what is this "contact bounce"? My problem with the noise is that the values, when the screen is pressed, vary even if the object stay in the same place.
Given the density of screen contact points and the 'fatness' of a typical finger you can't avoid but hit any number of cells and get a 'selection' of results. You need to do an average and (potentially) introduce a delay to fix a value for a specified period of time - this is akin to the delay introduced to prevent contact bounce errors in normal switches.