Maker Pro
Maker Pro

3.3v dc digital output to 240v ac interface

Hello, I need some assistance in creating an interface to change 3.3v dc to a 240v ac device. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
What is your 3.3V source and how much power do you want from the 240V AC?

If you need more than a fairly small amount of power this isn't going to be easy. Perhaps a motor/generator is the easiest way. But let's wait and see until you've provided the figures.
Do you want to change 3.3V to 240V AC, or do you want to control 240V AC with a 3.3V signal?

If it's the latter, use the 3.3V to switch on a transistor, and use the transistor to switch on a relay. Using a solid-state relay is an alternative, especially if If you can't find a 3.3V relay. Make sure it's rated for 240V and can handle the necessary current.
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