Maker Pro
Maker Pro

2M Digital Pot?

I'm looking for some digital pots to replace some manual pots on an audio amplifier. Here's a schematic for the amp: I might be reading this wrong, but it looks like a few of the pots go up to 2.2M ohms. Are there digital pots out there that go that high?
Here's a somewhat related question. I'm seeing things like "1B50K" and "10A250K" and "W20K" printed on the manual pots on my amp. Are these resistance values or something else like part numbers?
I don't know about the digital pot's, but usually A means Audio (or logarithmic/ volume) taper, B means linear taper, and W is probably a special or linear taper.
50k, 250k, & 20k is the resistance end-to-end. Read all about the secrets of pot's here.