Maker Pro
Maker Pro

20130510 Solar Eclipse Pix


hi all
yesterday morning Eastern Australian Time there was an annular solar eclipse that trailed a path across central Australia and up through the NE state of Queensland before heading out over the SW Pacific.
I didnt chase this one to the main eclipse path like Steve and I did last november. Rather just did a few pics of the partial eclipse as seen from Sydney

Pentax K5, f/l = 55mm, f10, 80th sec exp, 100 ISO and used a double layer of silvered mylar survival blanket.
I have to admit this eclipse snuck up on me, I knew it was coming up, just didnt realise it was going to happen on that day. Only realised it was happening where i got to work and heard a report on the radio. I was just lucky to have the survival blanket in my car first aid kit else there wouldnt have been any pix. But unfortunately didnt have my big telephoto lens and proper solar filter....



Now had I travelled to the eclipse path, this is what I would have seen ....


This is an annular eclipse foto that I took back in Jan 1991 from the city of Blenheim, at the top end of the South Island of New Zealand

For those who may not understand about eclipses....
An annular solar eclipse is NOT one that happens annularly. Rather it is one where the moon is a little further away from the earth at the time of the eclipse and as a result you get an Annulus ( ring) of sunlight around the moon rather than a total eclipse where the moon fully covers the sun



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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
For those people up there in north Queensland, they must have been thinking "annualar" rather than "annular".

Lucky buggers!

It was very partial here, and pretty much over by sunrise. Accompanied by heavy cloud...


Hi Steve

was a good clear morning here .... the last month has been full of cool nights/mornings and nice clear days. Quite stable but its starting to dry out
