Maker Pro
Maker Pro

2 pin female jack

Anybody know of a female jack which has two pins?

why? open condition when no plug is inserted and close condition when plug is inserted


Harald Kapp

Welcome aboard this forum.

Your question is very broad, giving no clue as to e.g. voltage and currents involved.

Do you mean a jumper?
Voltages and current are only DC voltage 12 v and less than 200ma. What I need is a simple toggle switch.instead of user toggling the switch up and down I want the user to insert or remove a plug in a jack


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You could use any one of a number of plug/socket combinations. Simply shorting the connections in the plug would allow you to switch something on by plugging it in.
i want to insert any plug ( no wires connected on this plug) .the metal part of the plug when inserted should short the 2 pin jack. i hope this clarifies

Harald Kapp

i want to insert any plug ( no wires connected on this plug)
What Steve means is that you can use any plug, short-circuit the contacts internally (solder a length of wire between the contacts) and use it as a jumper. The user doesn't have to see the wire or to know about it at all. A typical 2.5mm mono plug (or 3.5mm for a bit more robustness) could be used for example.