Maker Pro
Maker Pro

1996 Fender deville deluxe 212

I have a fender deville that is producing extreme distortion on channel 2. Channel 1 is clean and sounds great.I have recently replaced resistor #57 that cleared up an output issue. amp played fine after repair but when owner got amp back this issue developed.

Any suggestions?
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A more detailed explanation will be essential before we can issue assistance since we dont know exactly what you have or what you have done to it. For example: brand, model, schematic if possible (or link to it), photos of the board if possible. That way our suggestions will be better aimed.
How do you get this channel 2 reference ?
The unit is a mono amp and the only 1-2 aspect is the two inputs 1 and 2 and they then tie into the same common input junction .
Hi, The Fender Deville (like all modern 2-channel guitar amps) has been designed so channel 1 is the clean channel and channel 2 is the overdrive or distorted channel. Again on most modern guitar amps you will find 2 input jacks one jack is designed for standard or non active guitars and the other for active guitars, nothing to do with channel 1 or 2. If you plug a standard guitar into say input jack 1, it will sound louder than input jack 2, this is because input 2 will attenuate the input signal by half to accommodate an active guitar which give double the output.