Maker Pro
Maker Pro

13" TV - telescopic antenna for VHF



I am using 13" RCA/Thomson TV as a portable and I would like to get
a telescopic antenna which will fit the 3/8" hole in the back of the
cabinet of this tv set. Could you recomend a place I can get one ?

Homer J Simpson

I am using 13" RCA/Thomson TV as a portable and I would like to get
a telescopic antenna which will fit the 3/8" hole in the back of the
cabinet of this tv set. Could you recomend a place I can get one ?

Radio Shack.

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James Thompson

Pszemol said:
I am using 13" RCA/Thomson TV as a portable and I would like to get
a telescopic antenna which will fit the 3/8" hole in the back of the
cabinet of this tv set. Could you recomend a place I can get one ?

Ask at a local tv repair shop, they may still have some laying around or on
an old set left for parts.