Maker Pro
Maker Pro

12 vdc to 6 vdc input stability

I am trying to operate a vintage 6 vdc siren from my 12 vdc boat system. It's got what looks like 16 ga wires on it, and a motor about 3" diameter, so I'm guessing it might draw like 10 amps (is there a way to be more accurate?). There are plenty of 12-6 volt converters, and I was about to buy a 15 amp one when I read a comment from someone very technical who said the INPUT draw spiked the rest of their 12 vdc circuit and "fried" some sensitive electronics. I have several sensitive pieces of equipment (engine computer, and others) on my main 12vdc circuit, so this has scared me a little. I don't need to hit the siren and have everything die! Is there a device or a way I can make sure my 12 vdc circuit remains stable when I hit the siren?
Wow, a motor-driven siren really IS vintage. I've been working with sirens for decades and only remember coming across one system that used a motor-driven, more than 25 years ago. It was ancient at the time.

I endorse BobK's suggestion, with the recommendation of powering the 6V charger from your boat 12V supply, and using a relay to disconnect the 12V charging supply while the siren is being driven.

Alternately, it might be enough to put a suitable MOV across the siren input, to suppress spikes.