Maker Pro
Maker Pro

12.5 KW Detroit Diesel 2-71 generator


Steve Spence

Good engine. Keep it loaded or it cokes up. Pretty simple to remove heads
and de-coke. Loud as all get out, and exhaust is only part of the noise.
Much of it is mechanical. Vibrates like a bugger, so cushion it or your
dishes will rattle in your cupboards. Drinks a gallon an hour. Weighs 2000
lbs. so have help moving it. Got mine from for $2100

I put 6000 hours on used fryer oil on mine before trading it. Now have a 6hp
listeroid which is a better match for my application (battery charging) and
uses 1/4 the fuel.

Bruce in Alaska

Steve Spence said:
Good engine. Keep it loaded or it cokes up. Pretty simple to remove heads
and de-coke. Loud as all get out, and exhaust is only part of the noise.
Much of it is mechanical. Vibrates like a bugger, so cushion it or your
dishes will rattle in your cupboards. Drinks a gallon an hour. Weighs 2000
lbs. so have help moving it. Got mine from for $2100

I put 6000 hours on used fryer oil on mine before trading it. Now have a 6hp
listeroid which is a better match for my application (battery charging) and
uses 1/4 the fuel.

Just saw a picture of a Detroit Diesel 1-71 built in 1939 that turned
a 10Kw Genend at 1800 Rpm. Way cool... first one of those I have
ever seen.

Bruce in alaska