Maker Pro
Maker Pro

110v to 230v auto switching regulator

hello forum
recently purchased a USA electronic item, and prev owner stated he used a step up transformer to use the kit over here on 230v (from 110v)
after tweeting Roland US the manufacturers they replied with the following tweet
MV-8000 has an auto switching regulator. All you need is the correct config on the IEC cable, or regular plug converter.
..which brings me here, am i to take it i can use a standard IEC and use the kit in UK without transformer or voltage conversion?
many thanks in adv
If you download the specs and read them you will see the power ratings near the end.
Also read the warning in the beginning.(mv8000_r_e4.pdf )

Power Supply
AC 115 V, 117 V, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V (50/60 Hz) ....
.....................(therfore no step up/down required)



Hop - AC8NS
I believe that is correct, based on this specification from the Roland MV-8000 Owner Manual:

AC 115 V, 117 V, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V (50/60 Hz)
thanks.. also its good and wise i feel to get confirmation on a matter that would brick the unit instantly if gotten wrong,