Maker Pro
Maker Pro

10MHz reference-frequency clock

Anyone know of a clock driven off a reference frequency of 10MHz? Seems all the designs I can find online are of most nominal frequencies BUT 10MHz.

Considering how cheaply they can be purchased now, as well as other interests of mine (which I'll keep secret for now :p) I'm planning on building a rubidium 10MHz reference standard for calibrating my ham radio designs & other projects.

Now, that doesn't have much wow factor sitting on the bench by itself, so I wanted to integrate a clock into it that would stay true to its level of accuracy (+/- >10e-11/yr drift). That would not only give me what I need it for, but something that could also from time to time, serve as a conversation piece - not to mention, give me another project with which to fill my never-ending desire to build and construct.

I've tried googling this, but 10MHz reference clock pretty much brings me to DIY frequency standards or Agilent counters that I'd need a car loan to purchase.



crystal based 10MHz ref oscillators are a "dime a dozen" .... if you dont know that phrase it means VERY common :) you will find them all over the net and they are cheap for good accuracy, commonly less than $20 for 10.000000MHz

I also use a 10MHz rubidium that i got off eBay for less than $100... it works very well
for my microwave ham radio transverters 5, 10 and 24 GHz systems

for the ease of availability and low price I would NEVER try and build one!!! just not worth the hassle.

your other choice and is also quite common is GPS based 10 MHz references, these are also affordable prices
and very stable. Thos it is fun to feed the rubidium and the GPS 10 MHz sources into an oscilloscope and watching the 2 signals beat against each other. it was really easy to watch the GPS system doing its regular corrections to its 10MHz osc.

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