Maker Pro
Maker Pro

100V switch

i have 100V output from converter and i wish to switch tis line with cca. 3V from microcontroller. I have driver, yes, but with poor results. Can anybody sugest how to make such a switch. !00V sould be switced on and off with frequency from 10 to 100 Hz.
you need down converters with relays between them. Frankly they say its alot of money and work to go to, when a seperate converter is available for lower volts. easier to install a second converter.
Your question and schematic are missing critical information.
Where on the schematic is the 100 V input?
Where on the schematic is the 100 V output?
Which signal on the schematic is the one that switches the 100 V on and off?
What does "cca. 3v" mean?

you need down converters with relays between them. Frankly they say its alot of money and work to go to, when a seperate converter is available for lower volts. easier to install a second converter.
100v is generated with Q1 and output is on D1*C1.
PWM controls the output voltage.
CTRL signal switches 100V on/off.
3V is Vcc.
So simple.