Maker Pro
Simulating sawtooth and triangular waveforms

Simulating sawtooth and triangular waveforms

It is not obvious but LTSPICE supports triangular or sawtooth periodic waveforms, too.
Of course, one could always resort to a PWL statement, but this gets tedious as the number of cycles increases.
Instead, use a pulsed source (voltage or current) with rise times and fall times set to create the desired triangular or sawtooth waveforms.

• Triangular waveform example:
PULSE(0 1 0 0.5 0.5 0 1) -> triangle from 0 V to 1 V, rise time = 1 s, fall time = 1 s

• Sawtooth waveform:
PULSE(0 1 0 1 0 0 1) -> sawtooth from 0 V to 1 V, rise time = 1 s, fall time = 0 s


Figure 1-1 Triangular and sawtooth waveforms

Source: LTSPICE solutions

SPICE help topics to look at: voltage source, V., current source, I.

Harald Kapp, 2016-06-10
Harald Kapp
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