We use Ameba to scan available WiFi hotspots in the surroundings, and prints the SSID, encryption type, signal strength information of each detected hotspot.
Ameba RTL8722DM is a low-power dual-band WLAN and Bluetooth Low Energy SoC by Realtek. The RTL8722DM also include memory for Wi-Fi protocol functions and application making it simple for anyone to develop various kind of IoT applications. At the same time it has a wide range of peripheral interfaces. With all these interfaces, it can connect to most of the electronics components like LEDs, temperature and humidity sensors, and so on.
More Resources:
If you need additional technical documents or the source code for this project. Please visit the official websites and join the Facebook group and forum.
Ameba Official Website: https://www.amebaiot.com/en/
Ameba Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/amebaioten
Ameba Forum: https://forum.amebaiot.com/
First, make sure the correct Ameba development board is selected in Arduino IDE: “Tools” -> “Board” ->
Open the “ScanNetworks” example in “File” -> “Examples” -> “AmebaWiFi” -> “ScanNetworks”:
Final Results
Then upload the sample code and press the reset button on Ameba. Afterwards, you can see “**Scan Networks**” message appears, with the detected WiFi hotspots and the information of each hotspot.